Please, take advantage of the possibility of preliminary electronic registration and receive a complimentary invitation card, which gives you the right to free admission and will save you from having to fill out a form at the entrance to the exhibition thus, it will allow you to save your time.
The invitation card, which will come to your E-mail address, must be presented on paper sheet or on the screen of your device at the registration stand at the entrance to the exhibition exposition.
Visitors who have not passed the electronic registration, must necessarily fill out a form at the entrance to the exhibition!
The exhibition is included in the program of Belarusian Industrial and Investment Forum, which is annually organized since 1997 and became famous interstate event.
At the same time and place with Polymers&Composites will be held the 26nd international exhibition TechInnoProm (technology and innovation in industry), the 22th international exhibition Chemistry. Oil & Gas, and the 7th international specialized exhibition Proweld.
To create a universal communication and cooperation platform for specialists, professionals, producers and consumers, both domestic and foreign, representing the polymer industry as a unified technological chain: from the production of raw materials to the use of finished products, including the entire possible range of related services.
To demonstrate the newest technologies of rational and sustainable use of plastic production in the industry.
To promote modern plastic products used in domestic and industrial sectors.
To establish and strength business contacts, exchange of experience between industry experts.
To match producers and consumers together.
To create a comfort and image space for international and domestic Exhibitors for their best communications with consumers.
To arrange the attendance of the exhibition by target visitors from industrial enterprises, consumer organizations, trade companies, private business, and government institutions.
To demonstrate a wide range of products and services, areas of appliance and use of polymers.
To get acquaint with modern high-tech equipment, software, and a wide range of related services.
To provide with topical information on the current state and prospects of development of the polymer industry; on trends, new technologies, equipment, goods and services in the field of polymer manufacturing.
To exchange the knowledge and experience, to create partnership, professional and personal growth of experts.
Master Classes
Round tables
1.1. Machines and equipment (main and peripheral) for preprocessing.
1.2. Machines and equipment (main and peripheral) for recycling and processing of plastics.
1.3. Machines and equipment for finishing processing, sets and devices for the outer surface finishing, coating, labeling, and printing.
1.4. Equipment for plastic welding, cutting tools, high-precision sets.
1.5. Accessories (forms, stamps, etc.).
1.6. Means of integrated automation, peripheral devices, Control and measuring equipment.
1.7. Environmentally friendly technologies and production lines.
1.8. Means of production infrastructure: ovens, chillers, robotics, etc.
2.1. Thermoplastics, elastomers, durable plastics, foams, composites.
2.2. Fiberglass and metal-polymers.
2.3. Caoutchouc and rubber.
2.4. Bioplastics and ecoplastics.
2.5. Half-finished products: synthetic fibers and sutures, filaments, profiles, sections, leafs, tubes.
2.6. Coatings.
2.7. Ingredients: polymer resins, additives, fillers, color pigments, concentrates, chemicals, adhesives, other raw auxiliary products.
2.8. Reinforced materials and fibers, laminated components.
2.9. Materials, consumables.
2.10. Products obtained by blow molding, compression molding, rotary molding, foaming, extrusion, cast molding and calendaring, machining, die casting and founding, vacuum forming, thermoforming, vibroforming, and welding.
2.11. Special modules in products made of composite materials (fastening, docking, technological, etc.)
3.1. Consulting.
3.2. Software, IT maintenance, monitoring.
3.3. Modeling and design of finished goods.
3.4. Research, development and innovation projects.
3.5. Accurate measurements, testing equipment, certification.
3.6. Specialized unions and associations.
3.7. Trainings, developmental education.
3.8. Leasing, trade.
3.9. Equipment and technology for the collection and recycling of plastic waste.
3.10. Packaging, marking, logistics, and warehouse equipment, transportation.
3.11. Industrial safety and labor protection.
Registration fee
Indoor unequipped area
Indoor equipped area
Outdoor unequipped area
Accreditation of promoter without stand
Booking indoor unequipped area, you book a bare space with no wall partitions. You can build your own stand or order stand design at our accredited stand construction company. Minimum stand size is 6 sq. m.
Indoor equipped area includes: cost of the unequipped area, perimeter wall partitions, floor carpet (different colours available), fascia without inscription, 1 plug-socket (220V, up to 1 kW), 1 spot-light for each full 4 sq. m., 1 table with 2 chairs, wall coat rack, and waste basket. Minimum stand size is 6 sq. m.
Outdoor unequipped area is reserved for design installations or portable/mobile stands.
Participating by the service of accreditation of promoter from company includes: the right of access for 1 promoter from company participating with or without stand, and 1 permanent exhibition pass.
Every exhibitor is asked to pay a registration fee, which includes: information package, organizational costs, e-catalogue information entry up to 600 signs and logo disposal, placing the Exhibitor’s information on the Organizer’s web-site, 1 copy of exhibition e-catalogue, 4 Exhibitor badges.
You can use any of the following means of transport to get to the Roofed Soccer Arena
Please note that Roofed Soccer Arena is pronounced in a different way in Belarusian language.
Thus, when getting around the city please use the following address:
Futboĺny maniež
Praspect Pieramožcaŭ 20/2
Minsk 220020 Belarus
Vera Tsimanovich, International Communications Manager